Thursday 27 June 2013

Part 5 – Long Distant Relationship

As we know in common, it is always challenging and difficult to maintain a long distant relationship, but bearing in mind, this is not IMPOSSIBLE. But surprisingly, I do not have much objections or negative feedbacks from my family or my friends. Best wishing and greeting are floating from the very day ONE we announced our relationship till today. Especially from my mama, I’m glad that she didn’t stop me and she supports me.

This is really a great motivation for me to maintain and workout for this relationship. Although we are just like any other couples, we do share our same interest, share our time together, bringing each other into our lives, and of course loving and caring each other to make our love grows. But it is tough as we are not able to meet each other and spending time together in a physical presence on a frequent note as we wished; but it does not spell out doom for us. Truest takes an essential position for our relationship. And I know, you are doing very well on it. You made me feeling relaxed and secured although we are far apart.

Sept 16, Malaysia Day ~ Public Holiday, a long weekend. This had gave me a chance to visit you at Kulai after you had been visited me in KL for four times (so far). It was a long weekend, taking bus for outstation over the peak holiday always no joke. It was really hell to get myself onto the highway with the heavy and slow traffic for the 300km. But it doesn’t stop me to continue for the journey. Think this is so-called “The power of Love”.

I believed LOVE is not blind. Rabbi Julius Gordon says, Love is not blind – it sees more, not less; but because it sees more, it is willing to see less. Or we shall call it as unconditional love. I willing to story you all my past included my previous failed marriage spontaneously. I wanted you to accept everything of mine but not only current ME. I know you do not mind and never ask about my past. You used to reassure me that you love the current ME, not the previous ME, what had happened is not important and we shall look forward for our better future. You’d proved it, and it was really touched me. This is also another point that encouraged me to give you a YES.

Everyone has his/her past, weakness and mistakes. We learnt from our past; we stood up from our mistakes; we stayed tough from our weakness. It makes us grow. Failure in the past relationships had made us to love and to appreciate our loved one even more. Same applied to our family and friends. No one can survive in his/her isolated world.

I’m no longer bother much on distant anymore where it was a main concern for me at the very beginning. But I know it is not the stone which stop us from moving further. I know we are handling it very well and for sure it will be overcome one day. At least we managed to meet each other twice per month for the weekend.
Someone might think that we are crazy and mad to go all the way for the meet up. And again I believed this is the magic of LOVE. LOVE always comes with craziness, as there is also reason behind the craziness. So dear, we have pretty much solid reason do be crazy or do crazy stuffs.

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